Why organic?

It matters because your family matters, your pets matter, and the earth matters.

Through our organic-based approach, your lawn will be thicker, fuller, and healthier with fewer weeds -- and you don’t have to worry about staying off of it due to harmful chemicals that are used with synthetic fertilizing.

Organic vs. Synthetic Fertilizers - What's the difference?
Organic FertilizersSynthetic Fertilizers
Using Natural Ingredients
Made with natural ingredients such as blood meal, bone meal, wood ash, peat moss, and manure.
Using Synthetic Materials
Made with synthetic materials such as ammonium sulfate or ammonium phosphate, which have been subject to chemical manufacturing.
Slow Release, Lasts Longer
The Nitrogen is released over time and lasts up to eight weeks, which means it doesn’t need to be reapplied as often.
Quick Release, Reapplied More Often
The Nitrogen is “quick release,” providing an immediate and concentrated burst of fertilizers to plants that stimulates quick growth but deteriorate rapidly.
No Fertilizer 'Burn'
Slower release decreases the likelihood of fertilizer burn.
Potential for Fertilizer 'Burn'
Quick-release fertilizers can leach into the soil and burn plants.
Improves Soil Health
Using ingredients found in nature that act like a 'probiotic' can improve the soil's ability to digest fertilizer and absorb nutrients.
Not Promoting Soil Health
Does not address soil health and instead focuses on maintaining a lawn's appearance using harsh and harmful chemicals. 
Safer For Everyone
Using organic-based fertilizers is overall a safer choice for your family and pets.
Growing Risks & Concerns
Synthetic chemical fertilizers can be absorbed through the skin with growing concerns and health risks for kids, pets, family, and friends.

Synthetic fertilizers have been used for years on lawns, and they generally involve up to six applications of products throughout the season that blanket the lawn with weed, disease, and pest control. The downside of such fertilizers is that they do not address soil health and instead focus on maintaining a lawn’s appearance, using harsh and harmful chemicals. They also tend to be more water soluble, making runoff a greater concern, contaminating water sources.

Organic fertilizers are comprised of ingredients found in nature that act like probiotics to improve your soil's ability to digest fertilizer and absorb nutrients. Laying the groundwork for a healthy lawn begins with healthy fertilizers. You're putting a product made of the ingredients nature intended for your lawn. It is safe for people and animals to walk on immediately after it is applied because there are no harmful chemicals involved.

Key Benefits

1. Organic-based lawn care develops a healthy root system. Since an organically fed lawn isn't dependent on synthetic chemicals and fertilizers, it grows more naturally and becomes more resilient.

2. Organic-based lawn care is safer for children. All pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides are toxic on some level, and some children are especially sensitive to these chemicals. Exposure to outside chemicals can have adverse effects on children’s health, immediately and in years to come. A  study performed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison showed that nitrate, a common element in synthetic fertilizer, can cause endocrine, immune, and nervous system malfunctions. The fumes from chemical sprays can also cause respiratory difficulties in children.

3. Organic-based lawn care is safer for pets. Many people don't realize that synthetic fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides don't have to be ingested to cause damage to pets. These chemicals can be absorbed through the skin, so animals running around on a freshly sprayed lawn can get their coats covered in chemicals, which can then leach through their skin or be brought into your house.

4. Organic-based lawn care is safer for the environment. It's important to remember that anything you apply to your lawn affects the overall environment in your area. Whatever gets poured on your lawn eventually seeps into the local groundwater. Public water supplies become tainted from too many synthetic chemicals, and even private wells are affected by excess nitrogen.

5. Organic-based lawn care puts essential nutrients back in the soil. Organic-based fertilizers are very different than run-of-the-mill fertilizers. They actually feed the microorganisms that are living parts of your lawn. The microorganisms eat this food, digest it, and then leave their own natural fertilizer in your lawn. This is the best kind of fertilizer you can get because it's part of the natural ecosystem and creates the best possible environment for your lawn to thrive in.

6. Organic-based lawn care helps to sustain the overall health of the lawn. You can compare organic lawn care to a healthy diet for humans. Just like human food, lawn food comes in varying degrees of nutrition, and organic-based lawn care provides the best lawn nutrition of all.